
The trees of King George Park

A new cycle, a new life


Many of the trees in King George Park have exceeded their natural life span and have been irreversibly damaged by invasive insects. These trees are dead and constitute a real safety problem for users.

The city has developed a 5-year action plan to ensure that a new life cycle takes root in King George Park.

Planned interventions

  • 89 trees to be felled
  • 137 trees to secure (pruning and bracing)
  • 180 trees to be planted

The Park Canopy

401 standing trees including locust trees on Murray Avenue

  • 133 Black Locust
  • 67 Norway Maples
  • 28 Oak Trees
  • 173 Trees of Various Species


More information about the project

Directional felling
Removal of a tree by severing the trunk transversely from the ground.

Directional felling
Felling performed by sectioning the treetop and trunk allowing control of the direction and time of fall of the sections.

Reduction or removal of branches, twigs, shoots or roots.

Installation of a cable to reinforce the structure of a tree.


“Whether human or tree, sometimes we have to say goodbye to an old friend and reach out to a new one. It’s the cycle of life.”

Gustave le Gris was a black locust tree that was a bit creaky in high winds. He was nevertheless greatly appreciated by the people of Westmount. He died of old age.

This sculpture is in his honor,
Goodbye, old friend.

Mrs. Hawthorn has long sheltered young and old under her foliage. Since a few years, her trunk made her suffer and her branches had become dangerous. She died of old age.

This sculpture is in her honor,
Goodbye, old friend.

Linda the bee had been visiting her friends Gustave and Hawthorn for a long time. She is in mourning, but she knows that she will soon have new friends, as many trees will be planted in King George Park.

Through this sculpture, she says:
“Goodbye, old friends”.

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