
Project reassessment

By 2 April 2019October 27th, 2020No Comments

Westmount’s heritage Conservatory was closed in September 2015 for safety reasons due to problems with the building structure. Since that time, two studies have been carried out to help plan an appropriate repair and restoration of this unique structure. In 2018, Westmount’s City Council mandated a professional services team for the restoration and renovation of the Conservatory and the heritage greenhouses built in 1927.

Following the options presented by the professional services team and due to the complexity of the project, a reevaluation of the restoration and renovation strategy was deemed necessary.

On Monday, April 1st, 2019, the Council reassessed the investment required for the final phases of the project and opted for a more viable restoration and renovation concept that best respect the essential elements of the project and provide added value in terms of design and mobility.

This concept involves the restoration of the building’s exterior architecture to its original grandeur. It also includes a complete redesign of the electromechanical systems and the interior architecture of the Conservatory, which will feature a universal access ramp to the Westmount Public Library.

This option will provide Westmount residents with a better building in terms of accessibility and design, and it will preserve the City’s historical heritage.

The scope of the restoration requires a reevaluation of the project’s budget, including an increase in professional fees. For this reason, and in accordance with its legal obligations, the City must end the mandate of the current design team and return to tender. The new call for tender will be issued to select the team responsible for the final plans, specifications, and site supervision during the execution phases of the project.

This process may have an impact on the project’s completion period, but it will ultimately allow residents and visitors to rediscover and enjoy one of Westmount’s historic treasures.

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