Maintaining and nurturing the beauty of Westmount Park requires adequate facilities and technical equipment. Outdated electrical installations, street lights in poor condition, rainwater drainage problems, many of the park’s facilities need to be redesigned or simply replaced.

To modernize the technical equipment and comply with current standards, it is planned to:

  • Add new street lights along the main pathways and replace defective or damaged ones
  • Adjust the number and positioning of street lights to meet the lighting level recommended by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
  • Rewire street lights, gazebo, soccer field and other park features
  • Replace existing electrical wiring with underground wiring that will not affect the roots of the park trees
  • Integrate the Hydro Westmount upgrades with the park revitalization project
  • Improve drainage in the park and replenish the pond by creating a retention basin to reuse rainwater and avoid backups on the soccer field

Improving the electrical infrastructure and optimizing water management will allow for better maintenance of the park in a manner that is more sustainable and compliant to current standards.

Proposed new water cycle

Underground retaining pound
The pond
Soccer field
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